Digital accessibility resources

Like the Daleks in the Punch cartoon, people with disabilities shouldn’t be faced with barriers to attaining their goals in life. This is as true in the digital realm as in the physical world where access should be improved for all who want to find and use web information.

At a time when understanding and promotion of accessibility is needed more than ever, Disability Discrimination Commissioner Graeme Innes has been sacked and the role to be filled part-time by another Commissioner without ‘lived experience’ of disability, as Mr Innes puts it.

Digital accessibility is a subset of usability in that it involves understanding and making online information and systems easier to find and use for humans.

As a small contribution, here’s a list of resources I put together to understand and apply digital accessibility principles and techniques.

Tools and tip sheets

This Vision Australia page has a great collection of tools, tip sheets and links to resources at Digital Access Resources Downloads.

Accessible web content

Melbourne web writing expert Dey Alexander has lots of well-thought-through articles and resources on web content accessibility.


You may also want to check out SiteImprove; US software offers a holistic approach to accessibility and website management. They also have NFP pricing.

Accessibility specialists