Plan your website project

Get started with these steps to build your website. Although these steps definitely overlap and depend on each other, follow the basic sequence for a successful website project:

  • Navigation and content design components
  • Visual design, can include:
    • design look & feel, refine wireframes into prototypes
    • integrate brand
    • develop colour palette
  • Technology design and development, can include:
    • select platform, host provider, domain name
    • develop coding and functional requirements
    • consider other technical issues: backup, upgrades, support, uptime
  • Promote & launch your website
  • Maintain your website

We offer advice on how to successfully complete all of these steps so you don’t blow your budget, your timeline or your mind.

Let us help: complete an assessment, get in touch for a proposal & quote, and move to an agreement.

We strongly encourage you start your project with the end in mind; considering the design of your website’s navigation and content is an investment that will pay dividends. Find out why our design approach works.